
Hamas and Kach


The editorial “The True Face of Insanity” (March 10) stated that peace is invariably the victim when the extremists are in a position to inflict their bitter and irrational pain. “That’s certainly the case in the Middle East, whether the perpetrator is a hardened and trained Hamas operative or a fundamentalist Jewish settler who suddenly snaps.” I have a major problem with the double standard underpinning that statement.

The Hamas operative is described as hardened and trained, but Baruch Goldstein, an army reservist in his military uniform who carried a machine gun, who was a member of Kach Party and a follower of Meir Kahane, was a fundamentalist who suddenly snapped.

I think the Hamas operative, whoever he may be, is the desperate and oppressed one who may suddenly snap. But Goldstein was the hardened, predetermined, well-trained criminal who was a natural out-product of an imposed, unjust, illegal situation.


Unless we are willing to be fair and evenhanded, while spreading our bias, there will be no hope to find a place for sanity in our troubled world. The Bible says “the truth shall set you free,” so let us say the truth to free our world from the grip of violence and terrorism. Or we at least should follow the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed: “Whoever speaks should either say what is good or else remain silent.”


Muslim Public Affairs Council

Los Angeles
