
Parents Should Support Resolution on Emissions

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* Your March 12 article “Pupil’s Exposure to High Electromagnetic Fields Enrages Parents” got its facts correct but was incomplete. As Mayall Street’s PTA president, I was responsible for having the EMF levels measured at our school last year.

We do have a transformer with an EMF level exceeding 600 milligauss adjacent to it. A fence was constructed at our request to keep students away from it.

But we also had to vacate a classroom due to high EMF readings from nearby breaker panels. We continue to experience transient high EMF readings in and around our cafeteria.


Adding Dixie Canyon’s EMF experience to Mayall’s leads one to believe that all areas of our schools should be tested for these potentially hazardous emissions.

A resolution dealing with safe EMF levels is being brought to the California State PTA convention in May. Concerned parents should ask their local PTA to support this resolution.


Granada Hills
