
ORANGE COUNTY PLATFORM : Registering to Vote in the United States--Whose Right Is It Anyway?


Is it any surprise to the citizens of California that the (alleged) killer of Mr. Colosio is a registered voter in the state? Is it any surprise that all of the open border advocates that want a status quo have not said a word about the terrorist that illegally came to the United States and registered to vote two times? Where are our elected officials on this issue?

Has the right to vote become so cheap and unimportant that public officials no longer care who is legally entitled to register to vote? There is more concern over the history of the gun owned by Mario Aburto Martinez than how he is able as an illegal (immigrant) to register to vote.

This is an example of how the illegal (immigrants) have figured out how to access and abuse our system. Somehow we must save our state and begin to identify who is legally here and has a right to not only vote but get medical, social services and education.
