
COSTA MESA : Yacht-Maker Hoists Boat Atop Building

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A local yacht-maker hoisted a 65-foot sailboat atop his two-story office building Friday, attracting the attention of people walking and driving by.

Roger MacGregor said he designed a recent remodel of his building to accommodate the 10,000-pound boat. “I just figure it’s time to jazz the place up a little bit,” he said.

The yacht rests on top of the two-story MacGregor Yacht Corp. building, at 1631 Placentia Ave.


The building, still under construction, was designed with a rolling roof line and blue-glass windows to look like huge waves. MacGregor, the company’s president, said the heavy boat is bolted on to the roof and fully braced in case of an earthquake.

The boat is real, not a model, although there is no mast or rigging. MacGregor said the company has to keep one copy of every boat it makes in case the molds used to make the hulls become damaged or broken. If that happens, the roof-top yacht will come down and MacGregor will create a new mold from the hull, he said.

“And someday I’m going to finish that boat and then off I’ll go,” he added.

MacGregor said his company builds one of the 65-foot cruising yachts about every three weeks.
