
Thousand Oaks School Board Sets Goals

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Drawing on hundreds of suggestions by community members, Thousand Oaks school board members on Thursday drew up a list of long-range goals that emphasize campus safety, boosting student performance and finding new sources of funding, such as grants and business partnerships.

In a freewheeling discussion at an afternoon workshop, members of the Conejo Valley Unified school board also focused on reducing class size, recruiting top-flight teachers and administrators, and improving school buildings.

The goals replace ones set in 1989 and provide a blueprint for education in the Conejo Valley. They will be used to set budget priorities and guide curriculum.


The school board’s action Thursday came after months of meetings with parents, business leaders and community members. Technology--including more computers in the classroom and a better use of high-tech equipment--emerged as a priority at many of those meetings.

But the school board resisted setting a broad goal focusing solely on technology. Instead, board members agreed that it should fall under a broader priority that called for giving students “curriculum options” that would allow them to perform to their potential.

Board members also agreed that offering programs for at-risk students--from those with emotional difficulties to those with limited English--should fall under the same broad heading.


While several board members praised school officials for trying to gather community opinions on the new goals, board member Richard Newman said he was troubled that so few people had participated in the process.

“I think we’re making false assumptions based on who talks the loudest and who shows up at 6 o’clock versus 6:20 (p.m.),” he said.

The board is expected to formally adopt the goals at a future meeting.
