
WESTMINSTER : School’s Library Books to Be Sold

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Westminster School District trustees have approved a plan to sell the library collection from Virginia K. Boos Elementary School for at least $27,000 and buy new books for other schools with the proceeds.

Boos Elementary is scheduled to be closed in June.

The Board of Trustees voted 4 to 1 in favor of the plan, with trustees Ron Morgan, Sheryl Neugebauer, Nancy L. Blumenthal and Kathy Stirling Iverson in support. Trustee Margie L. Rice opposed the plan.

Supt. Gail Wickstrom recommended the books be sold, pointing out that many of them have remained unused for years. She also said that some of the older books may be considered sexist by contemporary standards.


Selling the books is expected to bring in at least $27,000. Keeping the books and distributing them among the district’s other schools, as some parents suggested, could cost as much as $10,000 in clerical work to catalogue the books, she said.

District spokeswoman Audrey Brown said the collection will be sold to the highest bidder. Potential buyers may now make appointments to review the collection from June 20 to June 30 by calling (714) 894-7311, Ext. 205. Bids will be accepted through July 12.
