
ALISO VIEJO : Forum on Future of Parks Programs


The third in a series of public workshops aiming to shape the future of the community’s parks and recreation programs will be held tonight.

Sponsored by the Aliso Viejo Community Assn., the workshop will be at Aliso Viejo Middle School, 111 Park Ave., at 7 p.m. The session will focus on planning trails, open space and the community Town Center.

The information discussed at tonight’s meeting will be used to help craft a master plan that will serve as a blueprint of how parks and recreation programs will be designed, built and implemented in the future.


The workshop will be run by RJM Design Group, Inc., a consultant hired by the community association to help develop the master plan.

After tonight, two more planning sessions remain--Saturday, June 4, at 10 a.m. and Monday, July 18, at 7 p.m. Both workshops will take place at Aliso Viejo Middle School.

Information: (714) 362-5890.
