
Image Entertainment in Deal With Cap Cities

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Image Entertainment Inc., a Chatsworth-based laser disc distributor, said it has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Capital Cities/ABC Video Publishing Inc. to distribute laser disc versions of ABC network-owned productions.

The first laser disc releases planned under the agreement include a film version of Neil Simon’s play “Broadway Bound” and “The Amy Fisher Story,” the company said. Image Entertainment also plans to review Capital Cities’ library for programming suited to laser disc special editions and wide-screen remastering.

Image Entertainment calls itself the largest laser disc distributor in the United States with an estimated 35% market share. Spokeswoman Cheryl Lee said the company’s products under the Capital Cities deal will include versions of ABC-owned television programs, direct-to-video and theatrical releases.


Image Entertainment has similar agreements with Disney’s Buena Vista Home Video, FoxVideo, New Line Home Video and Playboy Home Video, among others. Capital Cities had recently announced an agreement with Paramount Home Video for videocassette distribution of its productions.
