
Is Judaism on trial?Controversial British author and...

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Is Judaism on trial?

Controversial British author and playwright Hyam Maccoby thinks so. “There is a common, centuries-long view that Christianity is a more advanced form of Judaism, that it has superceded Judaism,” he said.

“Except for a relatively few people engaged in Jewish-Christian dialogue,” said Maccoby, the grandson of famous rabbis, “it is taken for granted by most Westerners, including secularists and humanists, that Judaism has no real right to exist as an independent faith with its own validity.”

Maccoby’s courtroom drama, “The Disputation,” will put that idea on trial in a Los Angeles theater starting this month.


Based on a historical event and adapted from Maccoby’s writing for a British television program and his 1982 book, “Judaism on Trial,” the action takes place in Barcelona in the year 1263. The leading rabbinical scholar of the age, Moses Ben Nachman, is pitted against Pablo Christiani, a Dominican friar who had converted from Judaism, in a debate organized by the Catholic Church.

Maccoby explores the minds, motives and emotions of both the Jewish and Christian participants as they debate such thorny issues as the coming of the Messiah and original sin.

Maccoby’s latest book is “Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil.” A lecturer at Leo Baeck College in London, he has promoted pluralism and interreligious dialogue in talks at Harvard Divinity School and Westminster Cathedral, among other places.


“The Disputation,” directed by Asaad Kelada and produced by Richard Franklin in association with Hale/Arnold Productions, will have its world premiere at the Tiffany Theater on July 28. Preview performances begin July 21; the play closes Aug. 28. Tickets are available at the theater, 8532 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, or by phoning (310) 289-2999. Special group rates are available.


* Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles, which ministers primarily to the gay and lesbian community, holds free meetings of a bereavement support group every Monday at 7 p.m. in Culver City. One need not attend the church to participate, but a short orientation interview is required before joining. (213) 930-1600.

* Holliston Church in Pasadena holds worship services at 10 a.m. Sunday. The Rev. Eric Michael Smith will speak on “The Promised Land.” 1305 E. Colorado Blvd. (818) 793-0685.


* “Legal Defense in the Jewish Community” is the title of a talk by Michael Feuer, director of Bet Tzedek Legal Services, during Sabbath evening services at Adat Ari El beginning at 8 p.m. Friday. 12020 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood. (818) 766-9426.

* Poet Wanda Coleman will read from her works and trumpeter Joe Romano and friends will play jazz at 8 p.m. July 23 at the Church in Ocean Park in Santa Monica. Admission is $15, which will benefit the church’s drive to make its building wheelchair-accessible. Reservations suggested. 235 Hill St. (310) 399-1631.
