
Girl Killed, 11 Injured When Van Overturns : Tragedy: Lynwood basketball players were on their way to a tournament in Las Vegas. A coach apparently fell asleep at the wheel.

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A van carrying a group of Lynwood students to a girls’ basketball tournament crashed near Las Vegas on Saturday, claiming the life of an 11-year-old girl and injuring 11 other passengers, two of them critically.

Authorities said the accident occurred about 6:40 a.m. on Interstate 15 about 12 miles north of Las Vegas after an assistant basketball coach who was driving apparently fell asleep at the wheel.

Nevada Highway Patrol spokesman Steve Harney said the vehicle lunged into a dirt median, flipped over once and bounced three times before stopping 650 feet from where it left the roadway.


“The accident victims were scattered everywhere,” Harney said. “It appears that nobody was wearing a seat belt.”

All the children were girls participating in a summer basketball program at Lynwood High School for youths between the ages of 11 and 16, officials said.

Authorities said Tracey Myricks, 11, of Lynwood, died of internal injuries at University Medical Center about noon Saturday, after several hours of surgery.


Two other 11-year-old girls who suffered chest and head injuries were listed in critical condition at the medical center, with one reported to be clinging to life Saturday evening, Harney said.

Authorities said the group had attended a summer camp at Colorado Springs, Colo., and was on its way to Las Vegas to participate in a tournament for camp teams from across the West at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas.

Michelle Allen, 32, of Paramount, the driver, was listed in serious condition at the medical center, as were seven other girls, hospital spokesman Bill Pelligrino said.


Harney said Allen told him that she fell asleep at the wheel. Investigators will recommend that she be charged with involuntary manslaughter, he said, adding that the district attorney’s office will decide whether to press charges.

The head coach, Ellis Barfield, 29, of Lynwood, and a 15-year-old girl were treated and released from Valley Hospital Medical Center, hospital spokeswoman Lori Tierney said.

Five ambulances from Las Vegas were dispatched to transport the injured to area hospitals.

Harney credited state Trooper Terry Houston, the first official to arrive at the scene, with helping expedite treatment.

“He came upon a lot of people desperately injured and was able to determine who needed the most help right away,” Harney said.
