
“La Posada Magica,” a new Christmas play...

Compiled by Ken Williams

“La Posada Magica,” a new Christmas play by Octavio Solis, will premiere on South Coast Repertory’s Second Stage in Costa Mesa Dec. 9. The play, with songs by Marcos Loya of Los Angeles, is loosely based on the Latino tradition of Las Posadas, a procession observing Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn at which Mary may give birth. Tickets go on sale in October; the production will continue through Dec. 24. SCR’s customary production of “A Christmas Carol” will be presented as always on the Mainstage. (714) 957-4033.

SCR raised $20,000 Saturday with “Raices: Una Noche del Teatro” (“Roots: A Night of Theater”), its annual variety show benefiting the company’s Hispanic playwright and youth outreach projects.

The Master Chorale of Orange County will team up with the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles to open the chorale’s 1994-95 season Oct. 15 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The two groups will sing Ned Rorem’s “Love Alone” and Brahms’ “Alto Rhapsody,” with soloist Wendy Hillhouse. Billed as an AIDS Memorial Concert, the program will conclude with Faure’s Requiem, with soprano Rebecca Semanie and baritone Douglas Lawrence as soloists.


The season will continue with a holiday program at the center Dec. 10, a Valentine’s Day program at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach Feb. 12, and Britten’s “War Requiem,” sung during a screening of Derek Jarman’s film “War Requiem” with Laurence Olivier, at the center May 20. Season tickets: $44 to $120. (714) 556-6262.
