
NORTHRIDGE : Cellular Tower Won’t Be Built at Church

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In response to public outcry against the construction of a 75-foot cellular transmission tower on the property of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Northridge, AirTouch Cellular has announced that it would find another location.

“(AirTouch Cellular) will look for another site in the same general area,” said Phyllis Winger, planning deputy to Councilman Hal Bernson. “They said they will work with the community and the council office,” Winger said.

Northridge residents, led by Goldie Weis, objected to the tower because they said it would decrease the value of their homes and that there may be health risks involved.


An employee at the Lutheran church said that the money it would have been paid for the tower was to go toward community outreach programs.

AirTouch Cellular’s decision to back down from building the tower at the site was announced Monday, the same day as the zoning administrator’s public hearing for those affected by its construction.
