
Hats Off to Realtors Who Don’t ‘Escrew’ Us

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Carrie Wulf’s short essay on the evolution of getting “escrewed” perpetrates the false reality in real estate today.

Her comparison to a sales assistant is misrepresentative of the complexity of gaining a real estate license. Did you know even after a realtor is licensed that it is renewable every four years, and every year realtors must continue their education by attending a certain number of courses.

When you put your house up for sale, you employ a qualified real estate sales agent to make comparative market analysis of your house and neighborhood. They also hold brokers’ open houses, office caravans, public open houses, they place ads in the Multiple Listing Service, local and major newspapers and create and distribute flyers.


Where do you think the money comes from to advertise your home all these ways? Let’s not forget the realtor’s fees--brokerage fees, taxes, license and MLS fees, errors and omissions and car insurance, gas, stationery, just to name a few.

When I bought my house, I was extremely glad to have these professionals around to explain the complexity of buying real estate in California. Our forefathers had gun battles over land ownership.

So, from a very supportive spouse of a Coldwell Banker, Hancock Park, real estate agent, it’s my hat off to the realtors of this world and may you all be driving $70,000 autos.



Los Angeles


Carrie Wulf obviously doesn’t have a clue as to the countless hours realtors spend before a sale can be completed. Hours of schooling to get our licenses, 45 continuous education classes every four years, not to mention countless seminars and lectures we attend each year. We spend time and money merchandising our listings, hold open houses, previews, look at hundreds of homes a month, as well as spend money on brochures, and keeping abreast of money markets, all for the benefit of our clients.

Writing an offer and getting it accepted is just the beginning of completing a successful closing. Escrows are always full of problems, but, problems that a professional realtor is able to solve.

Your article was a kick in the teeth to all those people who aided you in the home you bought. You owe them a debt of gratitude and certainly an apology for your ignorant perception of what we service people really do.




The writer is a realtor.
