
Election Woes

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Moorpark Mayor Bernardo Perez and Councilman John Wozniak have given two reasons for canceling the City Council election. I’d like to respond to both.

First, we were told that “no viable candidates” had come forward. The truth is that the council had already received a letter from Roy Talley informing them of his interest in running as a write-in candidate. If that doesn’t constitute a “viable candidate,” I don’t know what does.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Sept. 16, 1994 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday September 16, 1994 Ventura West Edition Metro Part B Page 3 Column 6 Zones Desk 1 inches; 18 words Type of Material: Correction
Wrong name--A letter to the editor on Sept. 14 incorrectly identified the mayor of Moorpark. Paul Lawrason is Moorpark’s mayor.

In an Aug. 23 letter urging his colleagues to cancel the election, Perez writes, “Could it be, just possibly, that the lack of candidates, the lack of any real controversy surrounding the option of no election, are statements of approval by the community for the three official candidates?” Such arrogance suggests that Perez confuses voter apathy and cynicism as being a voter mandate.


Is it really appropriate for incumbent councilmen to judge who is and who isn’t a “viable candidate” to run against them?

The second reason we’ve heard for canceling the election is that it will save taxpayers money. By that logic, why not cancel all elections? Of course, that will mean having Bubba in the White House for all of eternity, but what the heck? At least we won’t have to waste money on those pesky elections any more.


