
Lightning’s Deja Vu for Minnesota Man

<i> Associated Press</i>

They say lightning never strikes the same spot twice. Tell that to Clifford Teigland.

Electricity coursed through Teigland’s body for the second time in 14 years when lightning hit him as he inserted a key into the back door of his postal truck.

Teigland doesn’t remember hearing or seeing anything. Witnesses said he was thrown 10 feet from the truck onto the pavement.

“I felt like something was pulling me into the vehicle,” he said. “Then there was this guy standing over me telling me not to move.”


Teigland, 35, spent two days in the hospital. The key chain holding the key for his truck was singed and melted. He doesn’t know what happened to the keys.

Fourteen years ago, lightning struck Teigland’s car while he was outside the vehicle. He didn’t realize the car held the electrical charge, and was tossed to the ground when he grabbed the door handle.

“That just felt like sticking my fingers in a light socket,” he said. “This one is like if you stuck your whole head in the socket.”
