
CALIFORNIA ELECTIONS / GOVERNOR : First Lady Again Campaigns for Brown : Election: Hillary Clinton, subbing for the President, makes her second appearance in as many weeks. An estimated $1.5 million is raised.

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For the second time in two weeks, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton came west to lend support to state Treasurer Kathleen Brown--this time at a Los Angeles fund-raiser Sunday night that was expected to net Brown’s gubernatorial candidacy $1.5 million.

Standing in for her husband, who was scheduled to be here but stayed in Washington to monitor the fast-breaking events in Haiti, the First Lady urged the 1,500 business leaders and Brown loyalists who attended the $1,000-a-plate dinner at 20th Century Fox Studios to work hard to help Brown defeat Gov. Pete Wilson and what she called his “politics of negativism.”

Speaking just hours after the Haiti situation appeared to have been peacefully resolved, Mrs. Clinton called the agreement a step that would “benefit of the people of Haiti and . . . every single American.


“We are very grateful,” Mrs. Clinton said, her voice echoing across a huge soundstage where the television series “NYPD Blue” is sometimes shot.

Just ten days earlier, Mrs. Clinton had joined Brown at a $500-a-plate luncheon in San Francisco that added about $750,000 to Brown’s campaign coffers. At Sunday’s dinner, Democratic Party state chair Bill Press--who is heading a vigorous voter registration drive into the pre-election stretch--joked that “Hillary has been here so often, she qualifies to vote.”

Brown clearly welcomes the help.

And on Sunday, she pledged that if she defeats Wilson, she will return the favor. “Californians deserve a governor who will be a partner with President Clinton,” she said, urging voters to elect “a Democrat named Brown who can then help a Democrat named Clinton go back (to the White House) for that second term.”


For his part, Wilson has said he is glad the Clintons are associating themselves so closely with Brown. Speaking at the Republican Party state convention over the weekend, the incumbent crowed about the President’s growing unpopularity and jokingly offered to pay his air fare anytime he wants to campaign on Brown’s behalf.

Wilson told a story of an unnamed Democratic candidate in Tennessee who supposedly “got a call from the White House this summer asking if he wanted President Clinton to come campaign in his district,” Wilson said. “The candidate’s answer was, ‘Only if he’s coming to endorse my opponent.’ ”

From the moment she arrived, Hillary Clinton made it clear whose side she was on. Stepping off an Air Force jet at Burbank Airport, she stopped to shake the hands of the Northridge All Stars, the champion Little League team that came in second in the world playoffs despite the Jan. 17 earthquake that ravaged their neighborhoods.


Mrs. Clinton then took the podium and accused Wilson of putting those children’s future in peril.

“What does it mean for the future of these young men . . . for the state of California to be declared by the financial world the worst managed state in the country?” she asked an enthusiastic crowd of about 200 people.

“What does it mean that for the first time since the Depression, the (state) government handed out IOUs to state employees?” during the state’s recent budget crisis.

“If you elect Kathleen Brown, you’ll have a hard-working governor in the tradition of two other governors named Brown,” Mrs. Clinton said, referring to Brown’s father and brother, Edmund G. (Pat) Brown and Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr.

“Let’s try what’s worked. Let’s elect another Brown in California.”
