
IRVINE : UCI Student-Faculty Skit Protests Prop. 187


In a skit designed to show the consequences of Proposition 187, UC Irvine faculty members Thursday hung signs labeled “illegal” or “alien” around the necks of students who supposedly had written papers on immigration, couldn’t speak English or were seen hanging around the campus cross-cultural center.

Though the skit drew laughs from students on their way to class Thursday, organizers hoped to show the audience the effects on education if the controversial proposition is passed. The initiative would deny non-emergency health care, education and social services to illegal immigrants.

“The passage of 187 would make something like this a reality. It seems funny . . . but we would be expected to report any student who was suspected of being undocumented,” Prof. John H. Smith said. “It would force faculty to become agents of the INS. You see where this is leading. It’s dividing up the society into those we want to be here and those we want to eject.”


Faculty gathered around the students in the skit, asking, “You wrote a paper on your immigrant history. Can you prove your citizenship?”

“I don’t know if he’s illegal or not but he’s been giving me problems in class. Get rid of him!”

“What about you? I’ve seen you in the cross-cultural center. Don’t resist, it’ll make it harder on you, young man.”

Most students, like senior Daphne Dodge, said they oppose the measure. “I heard a couple of guys walking by who yelled, ‘You get what you pay for,’ but I think that if you are working and helping the economy, you are entitled to the services.”
