
ELECTIONS ’94 : Individual Senate Results: GOP Wins 21 of 35 Races

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Here are the latest returns for the main candidates in the races for U.S. Senate nationwide. For California results, see tables on state returns:


For the record:

12:00 a.m. Nov. 18, 1994 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday November 18, 1994 Home Edition Part A Page 3 Column 1 Metro Desk 1 inches; 24 words Type of Material: Correction
Senate winners--A chart in Nov. 10 editions incorrectly listed the winner in the Vermont U.S. Senate race. Republican incumbent Sen. James Jeffords won with 50% of the vote.

Party Vote ARIZONA Sam Coppersmith D 40% Jon Kyl R 54% CONNECTICUT Joseph Lieberman D 67% Jerry Labriola R 31% DELAWARE Charles M. Oberly D 42% William V. Roth Jr. (i) R 56% FLORIDA Hugh Rodham D 30% Connie Mack (i) R 70% HAWAII Daniel K. Akaka (i) D 72% Maria M. Hustace R 24% INDIANA James Jontz D 31% Richard G. Lugar (i) R 67% MAINE Thomas H. Andrews D 37% Olympia J. Snowe R 60% MARYLAND Paul S. Sarbanes (i) D 59% Bill Brock R 41% MASSACHUSETTS Edward M. Kennedy (i) D 58% Mitt Romney R 41% MICHIGAN Bob Carr D 43% Spencer Abraham R 69% MINNESOTA Ann Wynia D 44% Rod Grams R 49% MISSISSIPPI Ken Harper D 31% Trent Lott (i) R 69% MISSOURI Alan Wheat D 36% John Ashcroft R 60% MONTANA Jack Mudd D 38% Conrad Burns (i) R 62% NEBRASKA Bob Kerrey (i) D 55% Jan Stoney R 45% NEVADA Richard H. Bryan (i) D 51% Hal Furman R 41% NEW JERSEY Frank R. Lautenberg (i) D 50% Chuck Haytaian R 47% NEW MEXICO Jeff Bingaman (i) D 54% Colin McMillan R 46% NEW YORK Daniel P. Moynihan (i) D 55% Bernadette Castro R 42% NORTH DAKOTA Kent Conrad (i) D 58% Ben Clayburgh R 42% OHIO Joel Hyatt D 39% Mike DeWine R 53% OKLAHOMA Dave McCurdy D 40% James M. Inhofe R 55% PENNSYLVANIA Harris Wofford (i) D 47% Rick Santorum R 49% RHODE ISLAND Linda Kushner D 36% John H. Chafee (i) R 64% TENNESSEE Jim Sasser (i) D 42% Bill Frist R 56% Open seat Jim Cooper D 39% Fred Thompson R 61% TEXAS Richard Fisher D 38% Kay Bailey Hutchison (i) R 61% UTAH Patrick Shea D 28% Orrin G. Hatch (i) R 69% VERMONT Jan Backus D 41% James M. Jeffords (i) R 40% VIRGINIA Charles S. Robb (i) D 46% Oliver L. North R 43% WASHINGTON Ron Sims D 45% Slade Gorton (i) R 55% WEST VIRGINIA Robert C. Byrd (i) D 69% Stan Klos R 31% WISCONSIN Herbert Kohl (i) D 58% Robert Welch R 41% WYOMING Mike Sullivan D 40% Craig Thomas R 59%
