
Clinton Salutes Vets at Arlington

<i> Associated Press</i>

President Clinton paid tribute to veterans of the nation’s battlefields Friday, pledging anew not to forget those missing in Vietnam and saluting U.S. military men and women now “standing watch for freedom and security.”

“I am proud to share this Veterans Day with you in this magnificent place of rest and reverence,” Clinton said to an audience of veterans on the steps below the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery.

“And we honor all those who at this very moment are standing watch for freedom and security.


“We say, simply and from the bottom of our hearts, ‘Thank you,’ ” he said.

The President is bound for the Far East where he will attend ceremonies at Corregidor, the former U.S. military fortress in the Philippines, and will visit the largest U.S. military cemetery outside the United States.
