


* Regarding your editorial, “A Blessed Moment of Peace in Angola” (Nov. 26), the moment may be blessed only for the mean-spirited, calculating rebel leader Jonas Savimbi, who is most likely salivating over the likely assumption of his mentor, Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), to the powerful chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee. In the early 1980s, this predator was paraded around the country as the great anti-communist and democrat.

That Savimbi refused to go to Lusaka to sign the truce because he had not been provided an armada of 150 bodyguards should be enough to show his disinterest in a peaceful transition in Angola. As a recent article in your paper pointed out, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos, with help from mercenaries, is winning the war, and he should continue attacking until the cynical brute who has been responsible for creating more amputees in Angola than in any other part of the world buckles. To reward him with the vice presidency or any position in government would be an affront to the maimed and an insult to human decency.


Los Angeles
