
Why the Need to Criticize?


Regarding “New Power in Family Court” by Lynn Smith (Dec. 1): While I applaud the initiative and courage exhibited by women who rightfully take on our judicial system, I fail to understand how some of the same people belittle the majority of women in our nation.

Beth Waggoner, as founder of the Denver chapter of the Alliance for Divorce and Marriage Reform, describes divorced women as looking exhausted after a hard day of work, kids and evening school functions.

Fortunately, many women in our country do have a place to live, a job to work at, kids to take care of and occasional social functions to attend. It’s called a hectic, yet fulfilling life, even though we are often tired and do occasionally look a bit older than we really are.


My advice to my two daughters, 24 and 10, is “Make your own money, honey. Then there’s no need to marry it and lose your identity.”


Los Angeles
