
Breakfasts in the Schools


Re: “Schools in Fillmore Not Yet Serving Breakfast” (Dec. 12).

The one thing more startling to learn than that small children are sent off to school without a breakfast is that our California Department of Education “started offering special grants to feed school breakfasts to needy students.”

Since when does our California Department of Anything take on the effort and expense of feeding “needy students?” This writer does not remember voting to declare that taxpayer-provided school funds should include the cost of free meals.

Your article quotes “school officials” as saying students miss breakfast for “several reasons,” mentioning four, with only one referring to an absolute lack of household money for food. To see the child off to school without eating for any reason but “lack of money” to provide food for breakfast is conscious parental neglect and no valid responsibility of the school.


Where is it written that it is the responsibility of the public school to provide not only food for thought but food for the stomach?

Where does it end? At what point does the school system assume all responsibility for the failed parent? From whence does such an edict spring?


Port Hueneme
