
Headlines Newspapers Could Be Publishing This Year

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Michael Schrage is a writer, consultant and research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Even with the relentless rise of on-line services, Internet’s World Wide Web and newsgroups, as well as the digital multimedia “convergence,” the well-crafted headline remains the clearest indicator of the media Zeitgeist. Torn from the pages of tomorrow, here are a few of the more innovative headlines that newspapers--both paper and electronic--could be publishing this year:


Patent Office Declares Moratorium

on Software Patents

Agency to ‘Fundamentally Re-Evaluate’

Program Protection


PTO Nullifies 5 More Software Patents


Murdoch and Baby Bell Bid

for Satellite Broadcaster

DirecTV Unit of

Hughes in Negotiations

Bold Alliance to Build New National Telecommunications Network to Bypass Terrestrial Broadcasters and Phone Links



Bill Gates to Endow $5-Billion

Medical Foundation

Software Entrepreneur Promises ‘Bold Breakthroughs in Biotechnology’ From Nation’s Third-Largest Philanthropy

Particular Interest in Immortality Research


Artificial Life Activists

Break into Los Alamos

Supercomputer Installation

PETVA Claims to ‘Liberate’ Computer Software With Lifelike Qualities

‘People for the Ethical Treatment of Virtual Animals’


Labor Department Suppresses

Productivity Study

Participatory Workplaces No More Productive Than Traditional Management, Quashed Survey Asserts


‘Serious Methodological Flaws,’ Secretary Insists


Europeans Have No More Esprit

EU Pulls Plug on Funding for Programs to Boost Continent’s Computer Competitiveness

France Announces Immediate

Surtax on U.S. Software


‘Violent Crime’ Gene Identified

Statistical Genomic Analysis of White-Collar Criminals vs. Violent Felons Establishes Strong Link, NIMH Says

Civil Libertarians Fear Implications

Suit to Bring Computers to Poor Schools

Multimillion-Dollar California Class Action to Mandate Personal Computer Parity Between Wealthy and Poor School Districts

‘Children without classroom computers today are like children without textbooks in the 1950s,’ advocates maintain


No More Networks!

California College Declares ‘Internet-Free Zone’

‘We need to spend more time with the people here,’ explains student leader


‘For Whom the Bells Toll’

Software Bug Causes Nation’s Phones to Ring Randomly


No Link to Los Alamos Event, Investigators Insist


Microsoft Announces Windows Delay

Software Giant Maintains Operating System Will Ship Before Year’s End

Windows 9?


Michael Schrage is a writer, consultant and research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He writes this column independently for The Times. He can be reached at by electronic mail via the Internet.
