
No Time to Cut Taxes


The front page read “Wilson to Give 15% Tax Cut,” (Jan. 10). Is he out of his gubernatorial mind? The recession has not left the majority of Californians, the state treasury is broke, essential services are being cut or eliminated, and Pete Wilson wants to undermine the financial health of California by giving us a post-election placebo? This is the wrong time for a tax cut.

I know that this may not be the most popular view but, if anything, taxes need be raised, not lowered. A hundred dollars or so a year per person won’t make that much difference to an individual, but it will go a long way toward educating our children and funding our cities.

As for someone who lives in the nation’s only bankrupt community, Orange County, I think that Gov. Wilson’s tax-cut plan is foolhardy and destructive. I wish that he would postpone his obvious campaigning for the presidency and take care of business here at home first, even if the correct prescription is unpopular.



