
Dan Glickman


Re Jeffrey Kagan’s Jan. 18 letter on Dan Glickman (new secretary of agriculture):

In actuality, Glickman was voted out of office by those who knew him least. Only just this last fall I changed my permanent address from Wichita, Kan., to California. Through several moves I maintained by voting registration in Wichita for no other reason than to retain Glickman as my representative. And I’m not even a Democrat.

Unfortunately, an ineffectual Democratic governor, a strengthening in the anti-choice movement and a tendency by Kansas Republicans to believe that nothing exists beyond the state borders except Sen. Bob Dole led to Glickman’s recent defeat. Those few of us who actually paid attention to his record knew him to be an excellent representative who balanced national, local and party interests. I, for one, am glad to see that a person who always puts duty first still has the opportunity to serve our country.


