
Backing Sought for Privatization Law


Ventura County supervisors on Tuesday will consider throwing their support behind proposed statewide legislation that would give counties more leeway in contracting with private firms to perform county jobs.

Supervisor Frank Schillo has requested that the board endorse legislation by Assemblyman Curt Pringle (R-Garden Grove) that would remove restrictions that inhibit general law counties from contracting with private firms.

Unlike charter counties, which have more independence, general law counties are subject to state employment practices and therefore have less flexibility in contracting out services.


Schillo said he believes Ventura County, which is facing a $46-million deficit this year, could significantly reduce its expenditures if it were able to contract more.

“This legislation would bring a more business approach” to county government, he said. “It should be supported. The taxpayers’ money is at stake here.”
