
Making Nice to Willie Brown? Man, Things Must Be Bad

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In another case of life imitating art, guess who came to lunch last weekend in Orange County?

None other than Assembly Speaker Willie Brown.

In the cathedral that is Orange County Republican politics, this was the equivalent of inviting the Antichrist. Like inviting Cujo to the National Cat Show. When Brown formerly ventured into Orange County, it was to whistles and catcalls and usually some wisecrack about San Francisco. Now, they’re asking if they could get him another plate of hors d’oeuvre or, perhaps, freshen his drink.

New county Chief Executive Officer William J. Popejoy isn’t bound by any of the constraints of the past. Can’t afford to be. No doubt, he started putting down the 3s and carrying the 5s while computing the Orange County budget and realized the county needed to make some new friends fast. Preferably, friends with some cash. The same goes for the county’s business establishment, forced by the supervisors’ newly acquired impotence to step out of the shadows and into the decision-making limelight.


Enter the Hon. Mr. Brown.

It must have been quite a confab last weekend at the home of Gary Hunt, Irvine Co. vice president. Brown met with Hunt, Popejoy, Sheriff Brad Gates, county financial adviser Bruce Nestande and Supervisor Marian Bergeson. You knew it was a different kind of get-together when each side brought an official taster.

Popejoy said there was no small talk at the meeting.

No kidding.

What’s more surprising is that it didn’t involve dueling with pistols.

The scamp in me wonders whether the guest list was passed around beforehand. It couldn’t have been. No, only a prankster would have invited Brown and Bergeson to the same gathering.

Desperate times call for desperate lunch mates, but, really.

It was only two years ago this month that Bergeson, one of the state Senate’s most highly regarded members, was looking for confirmation as Gov. Pete Wilson’s designee as superintendent of public instruction.


Brown took it upon himself to thwart the nomination in the Assembly, which he did. He made it clear he didn’t want a Republican getting the job and certainly not Marian Bergeson. He marshaled his forces against her--meaning other Democrats--and her nomination fell seven votes short.

Both Brown and Bergeson said it was nothing personal, and it probably wasn’t. Just political.

However, the two had bumped heads before. While in the Assembly in 1980, Bergeson was one of the few Republicans who didn’t support Brown in his bid for the speakership. Then, while in the Senate in 1987, she and Brown had an argument over highway planning. Brown shouted something at Bergeson and turned to walk away, but she grabbed him by the arm and appeared to lecture him. She then went over to the Senate and promptly killed one of Brown’s bills.


But that’s yesterday’s news. Willie Brown is now everyone’s best buddy and someone that Orange County can no longer afford to be on the outs with.

Everyone knows Brown loathes the county’s Republican delegation, but the question is whether he will let that affect his actions when it comes to helping the citizenry. After the meeting at Hunt’s, Brown sounded conciliatory. He backed off earlier sniping statements he’d made about the county’s plight and invited his weekend hosts to make their pitch to the full Assembly. He was so nice, he stopped just short of saying he’d pick them up at the airport.

Brown can’t single-handedly save Orange County, but he could probably single-handedly make sure its leaders do nothing but spin their wheels in Sacramento. The pitch to him last weekend was that Orange County’s plight may eventually taint the entire state, with the hope being that Brown won’t let that happen.

It’s really kind of heartwarming, when you stop and think about it. Willie Brown and Orange County, hanging out together.

Sad to say, neither side probably trusts the other. And that’s so unfortunate, because they should realize how much they have in common. After all, if anyone can throw more garish parties than the Newport Beach crowd, it’s Willie Brown.

Wouldn’t it be great if the Speaker somehow helps save Orange County?

They name things after everybody down here. Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Thomas Riley. If Brown is instrumental in an Orange County bailout, why not Willie Brown Park?


Orange County and Willie Brown.

Whoda thunk it?

Like I said, life imitates art.

And who knows, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Dana Parsons’ column appears Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Readers may reach Parsons by writing to him at The Times Orange County Edition, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626, or calling (714) 966-7821.
