
In Defense of Arts and Public Television

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We must defend the arts. Art is a transmitter of culture, the free expression and creative juice of the human spirit. It transcends the inhibiting walls of nation states and politics. Artistic expression must find a way. On the walls of our city blocks, we either see the raw verbiage and hieroglyphics of destitution or we see the beautiful art of paintings and musical lyrics documenting our history, our heritage. Art has provided a platform for so many to make a contribution.

We must mobilize to protect funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corp. for Public Broadcasting. The NEA’s budget of $167 million is less than the government spends on military bands. Each dollar in NEA projects generates an additional $11 in matching funds from state and local governments, private donors, corporations and foundations. Nonprofit arts organizations generate an annual average of $37 million to local businesses, create 1.3 million jobs and provide $3.4 billion in federal income taxes. Cutting funds for the arts doesn’t make good business sense and would deprive our national culture of diverse expressions.

The CPB that funds the Public Broadcasting Service, the Minority Consortia (the African American, Asian, Latino, Native American and Pacific Islander radio and television production groups), and the Independent Television Services provide access to the airwaves for underrepresented voices in the broadcast media. In addition, PBS offers highly acclaimed children’s programming and educational and public affairs programs that are not readily, consistently available on broadcast or cable services.


I agree with the conclusion reached by former President Ronald Reagan’s arts task force 14 years ago that “our federal government bears a responsibility for encouraging and protecting the arts and humanities.” We must not turn our backs on the arts or our artists. We must take some leadership, make wise choices and ensure that future generations enjoy a humanizing and comprehensive view of our society. The arts offer an invaluable resource to our nation.


The Rainbow Coalition

