
Proposed Tax Cuts


When I hear of the battle in Washington over who is going to prevail in the tax-cut contest, I can’t help but wonder about how out of touch they all seem to be, including the White House as well as the Senate and the House of Representatives.

It seems to me, and most of the people I discuss this with, that the moral, social and economic ills of the country have many roots, but the largest and deepest root sucking the life out of this country is the huge government budget deficit. If those billions of dollars used to finance the debt were allowed to work their way through the private sector, we would not have endless debate about the growth of social welfare programs. We would, instead, have a robust full-employment economy permitting people now on welfare to work and give their families the quality of life they only dream of, and are envious about. If parents could raise their children on an earned income, and be an example of gain through achievement, we would see a dramatic drop in drug use, outlaw gangs, and the high crime rate that makes us all fearful.

It is time for our elected officials in Washington to take the lead, and be courageous! Promise us a tax cut after they have reduced the budget deficit! We all must share in the pain of restoring our society to its former greatness. Those of us who have been more fortunate will pay high taxes for a little longer. Those who have come to rely on the “system” as a way of life must wean themselves off of it, to allow the truly needy to have access to a greatly reduced social welfare state.


If both Democrats and Republicans would take this stand, the dollar would regain its strength, and both short- and long-term interest rates (which are as painful as taxes) would drop significantly. Prosperity would come to virtually all Americans, and our leadership in the world would be assured for generations to come.

I implore the members of both political parties to listen to what the electorate is saying!


Lake Forest


Cutting federal subsidies to business to pay for a capital gains tax rate cut (April 3) will revive the great legal and accounting industry devoted to transforming ordinary income into capital gains taxed at the lower rate.


Pacific Palisades


Surprise! Surprise! Imagine people now coming out, yes, against tax cuts (“Public Backs Congress but Not Tax Cut Plans,” March 22). Unbelievable! Perhaps the threat to our children of a monstrous deficit has finally dawned on us.




All this talk about how the Congress is chopping welfare, health care, student lunches, etc., blows my mind. This Congress is not proposing to stop taking your/our money. This Newt Congress proposes to give our tax dollars to governors and legislatures of the states. Another layer of bureaucracy. Block grants.

Talk about trickle-down voodoo economics! Come on, people. Think!




Congratulations to you for running Richard Moran’s, “Trickle-Down Was a Flop, So Try Trickle-Up” (Column Left, March 28). I’ve never read such a hilariously brilliant satire of bubble-headed liberal thinking! His send-up of the specious reasoning and silly leaps of faith that those on the left use to justify their positions kept me chuckling all day long.



Los Angeles
