
Dr. Henry Foster


No, Dr. Henry W. Foster Jr. does not deserve “his day in court” (editorial, April 18). There are other issues besides abortion that your editorial failed to consider: That Dr. Foster also performed unnecessary surgical sterilizations on the mentally handicapped, and that he was involved in a study that left VD patients untreated, without their knowledge; not to mention his inability (perhaps, unwillingness) to remember his own record. It is probable that Dr. Foster will not get past the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee, which is just as well (presidential politics, or no).

If you believe that Dr. Foster’s nomination should come to the floor of the Senate for a vote, regardless of how the people of this nation feel about him, then I must ask: Where were you over the years when the Democrats prevented bills from coming to the floors of Congress for a vote?



Re “Dole Says He Opposes Foster Confirmation,” April 16:

Sen. Bob Dole (R-Kan.) has been blinded by presidential ambitions and the relentless need to pander to the radical right.


Dr. Foster deserves a full hearing and a vote by the entire Senate, as the Constitution allows. At a time when the incidence of adolescent pregnancy threatens the quality of life in communities across America, Dole should put his personal agenda aside in the interest of public health.

The leadership of the Republican Party is allowing a small number of organized and vocal extremists to disrupt the functions of the Senate, and the election is still more than a year and a half away.


Laguna Beach
