
ENVIRONMENT : AQMD Is Marketing Its Message


If you are in search of that perfect anti-smog T-shirt, the Clean Air Store in Diamond Bar may be the place for you to look.

In an effort to promote pollution-reduction efforts and raise funds to support educational outreach programs, the South Coast Air Quality Management District opened the store April 27.

The store--actually a display case--is in the cafeteria of AQMD headquarters in Diamond Bar and exhibits a small selection of brightly colored T-shirts, duffel bags, pens, watches, sports bottles and embroidered sports caps, all bearing the AQMD’s logo of a bird in flight.


AQMD officials are hoping sales will raise money for educational outreach efforts.

If the products are a success, AQMD hopes to offer novelty items such as canned smog. The public is welcome to purchase merchandise and have lunch in the cafeteria.

Prices range from $5.50 for a sports bottle to $45 for a canvas briefcase. AQMD headquarters is at 21865 E. Copley Drive in Diamond Bar.
