
TIGHT SCHEDULE: O. J. Simpson trial watchers...

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TIGHT SCHEDULE: O. J. Simpson trial watchers have been riveted by the Los Angeles County coroner’s gruesome details of how the victims died (A1). . . . But the coroner, Dr. Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran, is worried that he may not be finished testifying in time to give a speech next week at Oxnard’s Mandalay Beach Resort. Attorneys are trying to accommodate the medical examiner, who’s due to talk about in-custody deaths at a conference of the International Assn. of Coroners and Medical Examiners. Ventura County Coroner Ronald O’Halloran also will speak.

TWIN DILEMMA: When last heard from, Donald Anderson of Oxnard was hitting the talk-show circuit with the bizarre story of how he did jail time and military duty for his twin brother, Ronald. . . . But Anderson showed up Wednesday in Ventura County Superior Court on a charge of petty theft. Apparently, the days when he was a stand-in for his brother are over. “You know I’m Donald, not Ronald?” he asked Judge Charles W. Campbell Jr., who responded: “I know--I had Ronald last year.” . . . Campbell sentenced Ronald Anderson to a 14-year prison term on charges of attempted murder and spousal battery.

SWEPT AWAY: Last winter’s fierce storms made a mess of some county beaches. . . . With summer nearly here, a survey of the cleanup efforts gives beach-goers cause for hope--and information for scooping out the best beaches for summer fun (Ventura County Life, Page 8).


IN ERROR: Organizers of a campaign to recall Ventura County Board of Education members Angela Miller and Wendy Larner apologized for releasing erroneous figures slamming the board’s operating costs. . . . The proposed costs are only 238% higher than last year’s-- not the 286% increase recall organizers initially estimated. “We were wrong,” group spokesman Richard Weston-Jones wrote in a letter to the board, adding: “We remain appalled at the size of the increase.” . . . He blamed the mistake on a computer-generated error in figures released by the board.
