
Alan L. Keyes


* Thank you for your June 5 article on Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes. I am a Republican who has never voted for a “pro-choice” candidate and never will. Keyes challenges the GOP leadership, and the nation, on my behalf.

I, like Keyes, believe that a fundamental right to life exists for all human beings from the moment of their conception. I, like Keyes, believe that abortion is the slavery of our generation--a terrible injustice committed against a particular group of innocent human beings who deserve protection under the law.

Abortion is wrong, and I will fight it in every legitimate and reasonable way until our nation sees the light, as it did on slavery.




* Your profile on Keyes clearly illustrates why the moralist wing of the party is hindering the party’s chances of expanding its electoral base. Keyes’ exclusive focus on social issues, namely abortion, will continue to drive away moderates and split the party.

If GOP leaders and candidates strive to make the Republican Party truly economically conservative and socially libertarian, it can become the ruling party in this nation for decades to come, as a large proportion of voters subscribe to such philosophies.

However, the lunatic fringe of candidates, including Keyes, Pat Buchanan and Rep. Bob Dornan (R-Garden Grove), continues to preach about meaningless and divisive social issues that the federal government has no power to control anyway.

To woo the far larger centrist majority, other candidates should strictly emphasize economic issues and keep the moralists on the fringe.


