
CONEJO VALLEY : Ham Radio Club Hosts Field Day


Local amateur radio operators can contact other hams this weekend during Field Day, advertised as the nation’s largest ham radio event.

During the event, open to all ham radio operators, the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club will try to make more two-way communication contacts than any other ham radio club during a 24-hour period, beginning at noon Saturday.

Ham radio operators say they are often the first to provide information during emergencies when communication lines are down, such as after last year’s Northridge earthquake and during the firestorms of 1993.


The Field Day will be held at Broome Ranch on Potrero Road and will let radio operators practice their skills under conditions simulating an emergency.

They will use battery- and solar-powered equipment and portable antennas and will communicate with thousands of amateur radio operators from across the United States and Canada.

For more information, call Peter Heins at (800) 487-7670 during business hours.
