
MCA Has a Right to Develop Its Property


The article by Sally Stevens of Toluca Lake (July 16) regarding the proposed expansion of MCA Inc.’s entertainment complex fails to look at the historical background of the property and the financial impact it has on our local economy.

This parcel (an incorporated city itself) has been owned by Universal International Pictures, and later by MCA Inc., long before Ms. Stevens purchased her home in Toluca Lake in 1976. With a commercially zoned property, MCA has always had a legal right to develop its property according to the county and city General Plan.

The complex has been a large provider of skilled and well-paying jobs for thousands of residents of the San Fernando Valley for over 50 years. Besides Universal Pictures, Universal Tour and City Walk, there are numerous independent production companies housed at the complex. Many of these people who work at Universal City live in Toluca Lake, Studio City, and the surrounding hillside communities.


Living in the eastern San Fernando Valley, we all experience noise and frustration. I don’t enjoy the constant noise from jet flights from Burbank Airport over my home in Valley Village. But should we close down Burbank Airport and only have LAX? Not in a minute!

I believe balanced business development is a necessity if our local economy is to grow and prosper. MCA-Universal must be a good neighbor, and all mitigation measures for traffic, noise, and pollution must be met before its planned expansion is granted by the county and city.

The reality is: business and commerce is always in someone’s back yard.


Valley Village
