
Wilson’s Lawsuit


In his suit against California’s affirmative action plan (Aug. 11), Gov. Pete Wilson has sunk to an all-time low. Doesn’t he know that preferential treatment has been with us since the dawn of history? There has never been any objection to it as long as it served the privileged classes. It’s no secret that most men at the top are not necessarily the most qualified; they merely had connections that placed them ahead of some who might have been more qualified. This is true in college admissions, the corporate ladder, some areas of the arts, the political arena and many other areas.

Preferential treatment did not become an issue until it was extended to include the underprivileged. Are people really so mesmerized by the political rhetoric that they can miss the big picture? Oh yes, it would be wonderful if we could eliminate all preferential treatment on all levels. And it would be even more wonderful if we could do away with the hypocrisy of those who, like the governor, would roll back the practice to its previous borders that exclude the underprivileged.


Canoga Park
