
Air Fare


Larry Elder, Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy, Bob Grand--the names remind me of why I stopped listening to talk radio (“Yakety-Yak, Please Talk Back,” by Patrick Goldstein, July 16).

The clever program director who finds an equally bombastic female host. one who has a sense of humor and can discuss the issues, will lure me back to the listening audience.

Belle-Anne Mosco

Los Angeles


A significant percentage of the public harbors the opinion that the media is severely biased, that our newspapers and TV newspeople often slant political and social news, sometimes to the extent that a particular newsworthy item can be found only in an editorial.


One can usually count on Elder, Limbaugh or Dennis Prager to address news items that have been neglected or underemphasized by the media. These hosts communicate their views with integrity and intelligence. Their discussions are presented with decorum, logic and humor.

Until the media begins reporting news in full and without bias, talk radio can be expected to prosper.

Stan Thimakis



Elder’s final quote neatly summarizes the moral core of his conservative philosophy. It expresses conservative attitudes toward everything from Affirmative Action and hungry children to inadequate health care and tax breaks for the very rich. His phrase is so apt, it should become the official motto of the Republican Party: “Why be fair?”

Marvin A. Gluck



Goldstein mentioned only one liberal, KABC’s Michael Jackson, and not one female talk-show host. That may indeed be an accurate reflection on the state of talk radio today, but it does not represent the listeners’ demographics. If programmers are striving for controversy, why do they exclude other liberals--particularly female hosts--from the mix?

Are “angry conservative men” the only voices available? Perhaps it’s time for a change. Give others a chance and the listeners will respond and interact.

Tracy M. Culver

Long Beach
