
In Defense of New Jersey, Garden State

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* I came to Southern California 20 years ago from New Jersey to live out my retirement years and have thoroughly enjoyed my time in this beautiful part of our country. But I cannot sit idly by while Dana Parsons demonstrates his ignorance by vilifying and maligning the Garden State (“Apocalypse When? If Jersey Beats Irvine, It Must Be Now,” Aug. 27).

Except for the industrial areas (doesn’t Southern California have any?), New Jersey really is a state of lovely scenery and gardens. The Ramapo and Orange mountains (part of the Appalachian chain) and the Port Jervis areas are quite beautiful. It is also a very historic state. George Washington slept there, Major Andre was captured and hanged there. It is one of our founding 13 states and was the first to ratify the Constitution. It was not wrested from a foreign country.

I don’t know if Century 21 will be better or worse off there than in Southern California, but I do believe The Times Orange County would be better off if their columnists put research before diatribe.



Laguna Hills
