
Wilson’s Development Ties Outweigh Sense

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Hasn’t Gov. Wilson learned his lesson? In 1991, Wilson supported swapping 59 acres of a local national park so comedian Bob Hope could develop his environmentally sensitive Jordan Ranch. Wilson was criticized for trying to set a precedent of trading public parkland to support rich developers.

After Hope was lambasted in the press and public, Jordan Ranch was saved--paid for by a federal fund (Land and Water Conservation Fund) set up to pay for such properties. Jordan Ranch was rescued despite Wilson.

This time, Wilson has again sided with his golf buddies (our country’s largest and most profitable savings and loan institution: Home Savings and Loan), by having his representative bully the city of Calabasas into allowing access routes for the proposed Ahmanson development to tear through the city. (“Wilson Joins Dispute Over Ahmanson,” Aug. 23)


Learn from the past, Gov. Wilson! Ahmanson Ranch has nine plaintiffs--including the city and county of Los Angeles--trying to block the development. Ahmanson Ranch is not orange groves or tumbleweeds. It is an environmentally sensitive piece of land containing Chumash Native American artifacts and some of the last vestiges of California native grassland prairie. I challenge you, governor, for you to see the ranch for yourself and for you to keep your pro-development views.


Woodland Hills

Curtiss is a director of the Friends of Ahmanson Ranch.
