
More on ‘Insulted’

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Stuart Campbell called the $142-per-person charge at the Cross in Kingussie, Scotland (“Readers Recommend,” June 18), “ridiculous” and asked, “How many readers would be interested in such a price?” (“Insulted,” Letters, July 30) I fully agree that the price is out of line. Perhaps the Travel section should clarify what it considers “reasonable.” Perhaps it is time to separate recommendations into high, medium or low; I believe you are alienating some of your most loyal readers. We, too, have traveled many times to Europe and England. In the past year, we have stayed in clean, lovely accommodations for only $50-$60 for a double. Those able to pay higher tariffs would be using a travel agent. Those who want to be “taken care of” would go on a tour. ROCHELLE NIMENSKY

Los Angeles

So Stuart Campbell thinks $142 for a nice room, continental breakfast and gourmet dinner for two at the Cross is “ridiculous! ludicrous, elitist and insulting.” Wrong. It is a bargain. The Cross is not a B&B.; It is a very fine restaurant which offers a few nice rooms. My husband and I consider dining there one of the highlights of our annual visit to Scotland. As an appreciative reader of the Times Travel section, let this be a word in support of information for all travelers, not just those who only go cheap.


Palos Verdes Estates
