
Community College Board Tours County


The state board of community colleges is taking its show on the road for the first time in two years, and a full agenda is in store.

The week’s itinerary for the board--made up of 12 representatives from across California--includes touring a teaching zoo at Moorpark College, speaking with Ventura students and educators, and dedicating a rose garden in honor of Thomas Lakin, the local college district’s late president. Today and Thursday, the board will hold meetings in the college district office.

Board President Joe Dolphin said Tuesday that this trip is part of the board’s new plan to interact with students and faculty by holding one meeting a year at a local district.


“We intend to change the way education is currently heading in the state. And we want to do that from the ground up,” Dolphin said in an interview.

Dolphin helped dedicate a garden in front of the district office Tuesday, which contains a birdbath and plaque to pay tribute to Lakin. “We are honoring his memory today by presenting this rose garden and wonderful birdbath with posterity because we miss him, the district misses him.”

The board toured Moorpark College’s new performing arts building and wildlife education program Tuesday before members were officially welcomed by the Ventura County Community College District board in the evening.

Today, several committees of the state board are set to begin their official business and are scheduled to discuss changes to the system’s affirmative action policies that affect hiring, business contracts and programs for minority students.

The committee meetings begin at 1 p.m. today.

Thursday, the full board holds its official meeting at 9 a.m. and tours Ventura College before ending its tour Thursday afternoon.
