
More Than One Way to Master the Internet

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I am the district manager in Los Angeles for NetGuide magazine. I am writing to express my disappointment at the job your newspaper did on covering the available guides to the online world (“The Modem Master,” Sept. 8).

You do your readers a great disservice by claiming that Online Access has little to no competition, other than a few house organs for the online services. Online Access is a small player in an emerging, competitive and soon to be very crowded market.

You never mention NetGuide, serving the business and consumer needs of online users, which leads the category in advertising and circulation.


What about Meeklemedia’s Internet World, another publication that is attempting to grow beyond the niche market it has served for the past six years? What about I-Way, Infobahn and the Net, all youth-oriented guides to cyberspace? Lastly, both Ziff-Davis and Newsweek are launching quarterly consumer guides to the Internet. All of these viable publications are not mentioned in your article.


Los Angeles
