
DELICATE SITUATION: Following a van accident that...

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DELICATE SITUATION: Following a van accident that killed two members of the young band For Squirrels, Sony’s 550 Music label has the unenviable task of trying to tastefully promote the group’s just-released debut album, “Example.” The group was returning home to Florida from a well-received performance in New York last month when the crash occurred in Georgia, killing singer Jack Vigliatura and bassist Bill White as well as tour manager Tim Bender.

“The three guys who died would be the first to say, ‘Get the record out,’ ” says Michael Caplan, 550 vice president of A&R;, who signed the band. “Everyone is in sync, including the families, to work the record as if it hadn’t happened.”

For Squirrels’ surviving members Jack Griego and Travis Michael Tooke--who were injured in the accident--plan to keep the band alive with new members.


“They said they couldn’t wait to get back on the road and I encouraged them to seek medicine in their music,” Caplan says.
