
Notes about your surroundings


Afternoon Club--Six- to 12-year-olds are invited to spend afternoons exploring nature at the Oak Canyon Nature Center.

The natural science classes cover a variety of topics from studying the habits of predatory birds to uncovering fossils. Participants will go on hikes through Oak Canyon, play educational games and conduct scientific experiments. All activities will be led by trained naturalists.

During the last two weeks of October, students will study Halloween-related topics such as bats, owls, spiders and tarantulas.


The Science in Nature Club meets from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Cost is $3 per child per afternoon.

The center is at 6700 Walnut Canyon Road in Anaheim. Information, or to sign up for classes: (714) 998-8380.

Whereabouts: Take the Riverside Freeway to the Imperial Highway turnoff. Exit and head south to Nohl Ranch Road. Turn left and travel about three miles to Walnut Canyon Road, and turn left again. Pass the Anaheim Hills Golf Course. The nature center is at the end of the road, parking is on the left.

Tyke Hikes--Preschoolers should bring their parents to Oak Canyon Nature Center’s morning programs. The daily 10 to 11 a.m. sessions are designed to explain natural science to youngsters in fun, creative ways.

October classes focus on winter topics, including how animals grow coats and why the wind blows.

The program is $3 per child per session. Advance registration is recommended as space is limited. Information: (714) 998-8380.


For directions to the center, see the above listing.
