
Campaign Reform


Re “Campaign Reform: Still Dawdling,” editorial, Sept. 27:

Your editorial fails to mention that in 1994 the Democrats passed a campaign finance reform bill in the House and would have passed it in the Senate except for a filibuster led by Bob Dole and the Republicans.

You end with a mindless question, “Will Congress back SB 1219 or will more turnover on Capitol Hill be need before it gets the message?” What message?

In November, 1994, most of the Democratic incumbents who were turned out of office were the reformers who voted for campaign finance reform, gun control and other reforms. They were replaced by Republicans who are more than ever beholden to special interests such as the tobacco industry, the NRA, Christian Coalition, oil, chemical and timber industries--the last three the corporate polluters whose lobbyists have rewritten our environmental laws in order to dismantle 25 years of environmental protection legislation such as the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act and the Environmental Protection Agency.


Yes, let’s throw out the rascals. But first, let’s find out who they are.

CAROL MILLER, Beverly Hills
