
NOW Chief’s Critics--and Fans--Get Say

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Re “Seizing the Day” (Oct. 18): A dangerous riot inciter and violence agitator? You bet. Thanks for telling it like it is about Tammy Bruce, leader of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women.

Bruce has been out there on our streets fanning the flames of the O.J. Simpson trial. But it will take more than that vitriolic spew and candlelight to recruit thinking women into the NOW she aspires to build.

What’s appalling is, she has grasped the opportunity for public awareness on the back of an innocent victim, Nicole Brown Simpson. And there is no mention of the male victim, Ron Goldman.





I bless Tammy Bruce for seizing the day and providing a constructive way for all feminists to voice our collective anger because an admitted wife batterer walked out of the courtroom and into the waiting arms of the vacuous media, the old boys’ network and his old lap-of-luxury life.

The simple act of lighting a candle, being able to cry with others rather than alone in our homes, and making our homemade signs for all to see has been a necessary catharsis and prelude to healing.

Tammy Bruce is a brilliant leader for recognizing this need.


Los Angeles


The easiest as well as most dangerous manner with which to deal with racism is not to deal with it at all. So, once again The Times provides space to a hateful, divisive elitist demagogue who calls for “a needed break from all that talk of racism.”


Needed for whom?

It must be easy for an Anglo woman who grew up in the Valley and now works in Beverly Hills to attempt to so easily dismiss racism. But, then again, Tammy Bruce doesn’t have to live with racism on a daily basis.

Well, Tammy, as the “Million Man March” in Washington demonstrated, we’ll be discussing racism long after we dismiss you. And hopefully, other NOW leaders will rebuild the bridges Bruce is trying so hard to burn.



Los Angeles
