
Gingrich Calls Letters to Editors Biased Liberally

From Reuters

House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) said Friday that he ignores letters written to newspaper editors because they are tainted by a liberal bias.

Gingrich told the Assn. of Opinion Page Editors that newspapers repeatedly misrepresent Republican efforts to cut spending for Medicare and other programs.

“I don’t pay attention to letters to the editor because I assume they’re just based on misinformation,” he said.


Gingrich reiterated his call for an end to campaign spending limits because “if you’re a conservative you spend more money undoing the damage done by media than you spend defeating your opponent.”

He said he gives every group that supports his causes “total access,” but said “I don’t have the time” to listen to political opponents.

Gingrich said, for example, there was “no point” in discussing Medicare reform with the National Council of Senior Citizens because it is “a left-wing front group.”
