
We <i> All</i> Have to Fight Our Feelings of Prejudice and Bias


Re “The Blame Game” (Nov. 24): I am very pleased that you chose to run a piece on prejudice. However, I was saddened to note that your commentators, presumably leaders in the field, all spoke on the prejudice of other people.

It saddens me because it means they just don’t get it. Here are the leaders, endorsing the destructive victim ideology, blaming others, not seeing past their noses. This is the thinking that allows people to substitute blame and self-righteousness for positive action.

Joe Hicks opined that we learn prejudice, and used this as an excuse to blame other groups. I disagree completely. We are born with it. Prejudice is the mark of Cain. We must spend our lives overcoming it. All of us. All of us.



* As a gay person, I take great offense at the inclusion of the Rev. Lou Sheldon in your article on the subject of ending prejudice.

“The prejudiced person,” he stated, “can put in less effort and not seek the truth.” Who does he think he’s kidding? This would be laughable if he weren’t so dangerous and his agenda so harmful.


Lou Sheldon has made a career out of promoting blatant discrimination against gay and lesbian people. He preaches intolerance and hatred of those with a different sexual identity and argues for denying gay, lesbian and bisexual Americans their constitutional rights. No one person alive has invested more time, energy and money in attacking a group of people.

If anyone needs a lesson in honesty and compassion and an education in the evils of prejudice and ignorance, it is Lou Sheldon.


Los Angeles

* The Rev. Lou Sheldon never misses an opportunity to broadcast his anti-gay rhetoric and does everything in his power to see that gays are denied any legal protection or acceptance by straight society.

Sheldon is therefore supremely unqualified to lecture us on the evils of prejudice. But nevertheless, there he was, finger pressed thoughtfully to cheek in a grandfatherly pose, doing just that.

Incredible. What utter and shameless hypocrisy.


Playa del Rey
