
Outdoor Debate Has a Special Feel

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As a sports fanatic who enjoys the in-depth coverage The Times typically affords for baseball, basketball, football, etc., and as someone completely opposed to so-called “sport” hunting and fishing, I appreciated your recent article describing anti-fishing efforts [“PETA Feels Their Pain,” Nov. 22]. Though I disagree with the justifications offered by fishermen, at least there is recognition that millions of Americans, as represented by animal-rights groups, oppose these blood sports.


Santa Monica


Wendy Rhodes, EAA and PETA are elitist, arrogant, single-minded groups who feel, “We are right, so it must be true.”

Fishing teaches self-control, coordination, cooperation with others, appreciation of nature and conservation. The beauty and violence of nature are the very essence of life and the living.


I guess Ms. Rhodes is a vegetarian, but plants respond to light, so do they feel pain too? Watch out. I’m sure gardening is next on the EAA hit list.


