
Mitzvah Day Deserved Better News Coverage

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* I share Juli Kenrich’s dismay with The Times’ coverage of Mitzvah Day. This worthwhile event encompassed all of the San Fernando Valley and gave many people, both adults and children, a vehicle for giving to those in need. Whereas I was happy to see our temple receive good press, it did not get the message across as to what Mitzvah Day was all about.

While dogs were being sudsed outside the temple, the kids who were drying off were busy making get-well cards for hospitalized patients and Chanukah cards that will be distributed at the Jewish home for the Aging. In defense of The Times, we were not able to say where the funds that were raised were to go before the day’s edition was ready for publication. The next Wednesday, the members of Temple Solael Junior Youth Group met and voted on where to contribute the funds. Donations are being made to the Make a Wish Foundation, National Wildlife Fund, Los Angeles Special Olympics, Ronald MacDonald House, Mathew Fisher Scholarship Fund, and for a tree to be planted in the memory of Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin.

As vice president of Youth for Temple Solael, I am proud of these young men and women and who are always willing to contribute time and effort to the community.



West Hills
